Dot What?!

Monday, January 24, 2005
On this day:

Apache is a pain in the arse

I am trying to get my system set up so that I can use Visual Studio .Net with Apache. From what I can see, that is not possible as VS requires IIS be installed in order to create web applications within it. I could go back to the old stand-by (NoteTab) but that makes it a pain in the ass to code, as well as debugging.

Unfortunately running IIS within Windows XP Home is not an option. I am looking for some feedback from anyone that has been able to get VS to work directly with Apache. I thought about going to WebMatrix. But, then I do not get IntelliSense or seperate code files. Everything is coded using inline <script> tags instead of in a seperate code file. To me this is just messy, ugly and unprofessional looking. Did I mention no IntelliSense?! That is very important.

So, until I get this figured out, or find an alternate solution, my web site will have to be put on hold. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know.



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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:07 PM  

  • Good design! |

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:07 PM  

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