Dot What?!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005
On this day:

Stone Soup

Stone Soup:

I'm a bit pissed off. I can only work with what I've got, right? ...and what I've got right now, all I've had for the last two months really, is possibilities...fucking maybes. Maybe is a word without confidence, a way out for those who spend all their time obscuring their potential, by being vague or pissy. So many people are so concerned by how they might be perceived, so afraid of failure, that they take the easy route everytime, they shoe horn-themselves into their unhappy lives, shedding the broken bones of their aspirations along the way, like a snake skin which in turn appears to shed the snake

And it makes me sad. Sad, and frustrated and stressed and angrier than a three legged hippo looking at an umbrella stand!

I hear what your saying, David. I have been in a similar situation for the past 18 months. Layed off from my job due to site closures and unable to obtain a job that I give a flying fuck about since then. Software programming is my passion. But, I have not been able to get a job doing it. I have so much potential to give to any employer. So many possibilities.

Maybe...just maybe...


  • Christopher,

    Thanks for the words of wisdom. My new New Year's resolution is to implement my own version of your story in an attempt to reinvigorate myself and double my determination.

    To say that I am not very good at looking for a job is an understatement. I hate job hunting. What a blast to the self confidence when you don't even get a response from a potential employer saying "No, we don't want you".

    The lack of responses from resumes and applications already put out has started to wear on me. What? Am I not even good enough to waste the bandwidth of an e-mail letting me know you even RECEIVED my application/resume?!?! What ever happened to common decency and professionalism? They must have gone out the door the minute G.W., I mean won...the election in 2000.

    I am what some people might call a "lifer". Once I get comfortable in a job, it is not likely that I will even look in other directions. Even if looking elsewhere might mean more money or recognition.

    Well, enough of my rambling. Thanks again for the comment. :)


    By Blogger Sean, at 12:19 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:21 AM  

  • By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:22 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:23 AM  

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